Don O'Keefe
Don O'Keefe is an architect, urban designer, writer, and director of O'Keefe, a design practice in New York City, Tokyo, and Richmond. He is currently designing projects in all three cities. As a writer, he has contributed to publications including the Architectural Review, the Japan Times, and the recent book "Sharing Tokyo" (Actar Press, 2023). O'Keefe taught as an assistant professor of architecture at Keio University in Tokyo and a teaching and research associate at Harvard University. A member of the American Institute of Architects, the American Planning Association, the Architectural Institute of Japan, and the US National Books Critics Circle, O'Keefe holds a Master in Architecture degree from the Harvard University Graduate School of Design and a bachelor's from the Department of Urban and Regional Studies and Planning at Virginia Commonwealth University and is a registered architect in the State of New York and Commonwealth of Virginia. He was born and raised in Southside Richmond.
This has the beginnings of an awesome web site. Congratulations to the principals of
This is great! vaMODERN is looking forward to following the development of your site.
-Josh McCullar
[…] a Richmond architecture blog by Ed Slipek, Mario Accordino and Donald O’Keefe: ArchitectureRichmond documents and examines the buildings, spaces, and urban textures of […]
Great website ~ especially for those of us who love architecture.
Nice posts and the photography is stunning. Keep up the good work and check out my blog…
I tried to find your blog but it is not there. New address?
I am a Richmonder and I ADORE this blog. Thank you!
Checking up on my home town.
This site is stunning. One of you liked a post of mine several months ago, and I sincerely appreciate that. Now that I’ve come back to your site, not only do I enjoy your photos, but you really do a lot of research and homework for your articles. I have yet to actually stay and spend time in Richmond, and I’ve heard from so many how lovely the city is (sadly, all I’ve ever done is speed up and down I85 from Greensboro to either Baltimore and/or NJ). One day, we will spend time there. In the meantime, thanks for your articles!! Have a great year!
so cool! i went to elementary school with two of these guys
So glad that I found your blog! What a treasure trove.
Great Site!! So many cool building in Richmond to learn more about. Thank you for creating this site about Richmond’s architecture and buildings.
Have a great summer. Wonder what is next?
[…] Slipek, architecture critic, VCU professor and Style Magazine writer, recently profiled the 2300 block of East Grace and in […]
It would be great to see your inventory and map section updated. So much to add!
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